Recently, I saw an ad in the March 2010 Issue of T&D looking for instructional designers to create “innovative elearning…” It caught my eye because it was looking for volunteers to build training for kids. But it rubbed me the wrong way and reminded me of a continuing concern I have that when people think […]
Archives for the Month of March, 2010
Teach to the Test
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
One of the biggest complaints in schools is that the “No Child Left Behind” act has set up standard test hurdles to be cleared by all schools and students. The idea seems sound — set a standard and then expect everyone to meet it. It allows teachers the freedom to vary their methods but, ultimately, […]
More Powerpoint Bashing
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Was touring Edward Tufte’s website the other day and found a rant against Microsoft Powerpoint. As sort of a fan of Tufte but also Powerpoint, I had to check it out. His primary complaints seemed to boil down to three things, which don’t really seem to be (completely) Powerpoint’s fault. Because it is there, people […]
More Information and More Training Does Not Necessarily Mean Better Performance
Saturday, 6 March 2010
I was browsing Edward Tufte’s website the other day and stumbled upon a one-paragraph post in which he described being brought in to consult with a large pharmaceutical company to help clarify and simplify their drug labeling and supporting information. His complaint was that he couldn’t make much progress because of the conflict between regulatory […]
Excellent Service
Friday, 5 March 2010
I recently had a problem with my computer. A client I was working with said it was a D620 error. I didn’t get it at first but then realized my computer is a Dell Latitude D620. Apparently, this model has had a problem or two…my client’s company actually exchanged a bunch of them when they […]